Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Building Committee Meeting Minutes (Approved 3/17/2010)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hatfield Public Library

The meeting was brought to order at 6:37PM. Present were Eliza Langhans (Librarian and Recording Secretary), Susan Gaughan (Vice Chair) and Dodie Gaudet (Trustee Liason). Martin Antonetti (Historical Commission Rep) arrived at 6:55.

1. Call to Order. Discussion determined that, once Martin arrived, the Committee would have quorum.

2. Membership. The Committee discussed possible replacements for Lynn and the need to contact Milton to determine if he intends to continue with the Committee. Since Milton is currently out of town, this will have to wait. Dodie volunteered to contact Bob Flaherty and ask him to post a newspaper piece advertising the need for members of both the Building Committee and Foundation. Eliza Langhans will be the contact point for interested parties. Any new members will have to be approved by both the Board of Trustees and the Board of Selectman.

3. Foundation/Building Committee Joint Meeting. Reaction to the joint meeting between the Foundation and the Building Committee was positive. Eliza discusses the upcoming Foundation meeting and the need for the two committees to work closely as we promote public awareness of the Library Building Project.

4. Action Plan. Martin asks for clarification regarding the most important roles of the Building Committee in the upcoming months. Committee members name grant-writing, public forums, networking with community groups and supporting the Foundation. Eliza adds that we need to respond to community comments and concerns. It is essential to the project that community members understand and support all aspects of the plan.

The Committee discusses how to get groups like the Historical Society more involved with the plan. We decide to see if Committee members can attend the Society's April 15th meeting or the May 20th meeting.

Committee members emphasize the need to keep generating positive interest in the project and to get started now on the many components of our grants and applications. For that reason, we decide to create a Building Committee Action Plan consisting of a timeline, list of groups with whom we can network and how, and a list of potential "issues" with the building and how we are going to address them. Eliza will outline this plan and post it on Google Docs for all to edit. For those of you who are not familiar with Google Docs, Eliza will be happy to give you a tutorial. Remember that you can edit the document directly. We will always be able to view earlier iterations. Also, more than one person can edit the document at once. If you would like to make a comment or ask a question without actually changing the text you can hit "control+M" to make a comment.

5. The Committee is concerned that we have much to do and do not want to wait until next month's meeting. Therefore, a meeting is scheduled for March 17th at the library at 6:30PM. All those present will be able to attend this meeting and hope that other members will be able to attend as well. We will still have our "regular" meeting on April 14th.

6. Review of Minutes - postponed from the start of the meeting due to lack of quorum. MOVED, SECONDED, VOTED: Approve last meeting's minutes.

The meeting adjourned at 8:02PM.


Building Committee Meeting Minutes - approved 3/10/2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Library Building Committee met at the Hatfield Public Library at 7:04PM.

Present: Harold Green (Chair), Dodie Gaudet (Trustee Liaison), Mary Williams, Sue Gaughan, Eliza Langhans (Librarian)

1. Call to Order. This meeting was rescheduled from 2/10/2010 due to weather.

2. Review of Minutes. MOVED, SECONDED, VOTED: Approve last meeting's minutes.

3. Received an invoice from Stephen Hale for copying, shipping, etc.
MOVED, SECONDED, VOTED: pay the invoice.

4. Discussion of CPA application article. Harold asks whether we should propose the article now or include it with the rest of the Building Project proposal. Acting now could help keep up public awareness of the Building Project and our process, but could also be potentially confusing. On the other hand, if we tell our story carefully, we could minimize confusion. The committee agreed that it would be a good idea to talk to Bob Wagner and will invite him to our next meeting.

The committee reviews the CPA application questions and criteria. Harold shares the current draft and committee members agree to work together on the application through Google Docs.

4. MOVED, SECONDED, VOTED: Accept the resignation of Lynn Omasta due to health reasons. The committee deeply regrets having to accept this resignation.

MOVED, SECONDED, VOTED: Sue Gaughan will replace Lynn Omasta as vice-chair.

Lynn was also Contracts Administrator but a replacement for this position is not immediately needed and the position could be taken by the Project Manager when hired.

5. Dodie reports on the Foundation meeting and we discuss the upcoming joint Foundation and Building Committee meeting. Five dates are proposed and Eliza will run them by Stephen and then put out a Doodle. At the meeting we will give a history of the Building Project and review the schematic designs, making sure to go over our decision-making process for those who are new to the project.

The meeting adjourned at 8:18PM. Our next meeting will be at the library on 3/10/2010


Building Committee Meeting Minutes
Saturday, January 16, 2010, 9:00AM
Hatfield Public Library, non-fiction area (downstairs)

1.Call to Order. Present are Harold Green, Stephen Hale (Architect), Ed Lesko, Dodie Gaudet, Lynn Omasta, Susan Gaughan, Martin Antonetti, Mary Williams and Eliza Langhans (Librarian)

2. Welcome and Introductions. Note that at the time of the meeting only Harold, Lynn, Susan and Mary have submitted their letters to the town and been sworn in as official committee members. Only they can vote. Special welcome to Ed Lesko, our representative from the Board of Selectman.

3. Officer Elections.

MOVED, SECONDED, VOTED: Harold is the Chair of the Building Committee.
MOVED, SECONDED, VOTED: Lynn is the Vice Chair.
MOVED, SECONDED, VOTED: Lynn is also Contracts Administrator.
Eliza will act as Secretary (staff position)

4. Mission and Objectives

The Committee reviewed the public comments made on the schematic design. Many of the comments were vague, and conversations with library patrons and community members were brought into the discussion. One issue that came up was an aversion to the handicapped access ramp on the front of the building. One option would be to close of the front entrance but the committee foresees objections to that as well. A variance might allow the front entrance to remain in use without handicapped access, but may not be obtainable. Committee members favor demonstrating to voters that the handicapped ramp could be attractive and discreet rather than a mar on street view of the library.

Two other issues that came up were the meeting room and children's area being upstairs. Committee members protested the idea of any redesign, and questioned how small changes could be made without a complete redesign which would cost time and money. The Librarian expressed concern about staffing costs for the new building and Ed expressed similar concern regarding ongoing maintenance costs. Ed pointed out that the Town currently can't afford the new building, though the situation may changed in future years. He also suggested a non-binding ballot question which would gauge attitudes towards the new building by town voters. Harold voiced doubts as to the effectiveness of this technique.

Stephen Hale recommended that we all read The ABC's of Library Promotion. He lent his copy to Harold who will pass it around.

The Committee reviewed the timeline for the MBLC application process. This timeline currently stands as follows:

Grant Round Schedule



Grant Round

MBLC Announces Next Grant Program

Jun 2010

Libraries Submit Letters of Intent Due

Sept 2010

Libraries Attend Applicant Workshops

Oct & Nov 2010

Libraries Submit Applications

Dec 2010

MBLC Reviewers Review Applications

Jan - Mar 2011

MBLC Approves of Awards & Wait List by

May 2011

Libraries Secure Local Funding/

Accept Award

Nov 2011

Libraries Start Construction no later than

Nov 2012

5. Meeting Schedule

A meeting has been proposed with the newly formed Library Foundation and the Library Trustees. No moderator will be needed for that meeting. Harold will make a poll using Doodle to find a time when we can all meet, preferably a Wednesday evening. We will meet at the library so the Committees will have physical reference points while going over the plans. The next meeting for the Building Committee will be February 10th. We will continue meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00AM.