Monday, October 24, 2011

Meeting Minutes 2/9/2011

Meeting Minutes - Approved 9/25/2011
Hatfield Public Library Building Committee
Hatfield Public Library
9 February 2011

Present: Dodie Gaudet, Harold Green, Bryan Nicholas, Susan Gaughan and Eliza Langhans (librarian and recording secretary)
Not Present: Jim Phaneuf, Mary Williams

Call to Order: The meeting commenced at 6:06.

Committee Membership Status Updates: We will wait until June to recruit more members since the Committee will be relatively inactive until that time.

Approval of Minutes: Deferred to the next meeting.

MBLC Grant: Harold drove the MBLC grant to Boston on Wednesday - thank you, Harold! Eliza will save as much of the Grant as possible into one document which can be made into a PDF.
Harold submitted the documentation to the Massachusetts Historical Commission.
CPC Grant: Harold will see how they want to consider our application since we will find out about the MBLC grant between town meetings.
USDA Grant: Harold will send a letter to the Board of Selectman letting them know that we will not apply for a USDA grant for a joint Library/Museum project since they instructed us not to pursue any museum funding.

Joint Meeting with the Library Foundation: Scheduled for February 24th at 7PM.

Capital Planning Meeting: Eliza and Harold attended. The Capital Planning Committee (or Commission?) members are primarily concerned about operating costs.

Meeting adjourned: 6:28PM
Next Meeting: March 9th at 6:00PM at the Library - only if needed!

Meeting Minutes 1/18/2011

Meeting Minutes - Approved September 25, 2011
Hatfield Public Library Building Committee
Hatfield Public Library/Conference Call
18 January 2011

Present: Dodie Gaudet, Mary Williams, Harold Green, Stephen Hale (architect), Susan Gaughan and Eliza Langhans (librarian and recording secretary)
Not Present: Jim Phaneuf, Bryan Nicholas

Call to Order: Due to extreme weather conditions, all parties are participating in a conference call. Harold and Stephen are at the Library.

Committee Membership Status Updates: Deferred to the next meeting.

Approval of Minutes: Deferred to the next meeting.

MBLC Grant: The Committee discusses what is left for the completion of the grant, which is due in a week and two days. Eliza notes that we need Harold’s signature on the title page as well as the total cost estimate. We need to purchase 8 (or more) three inch binders. The MBLC has provided dividers which Eliza has at the Library. We need to check carefully to make sure we have all the appendices. We also need updated numbers for volume capacity in the new building, which Stephen will provide.

Eliza asks that all Committee members keep an eye out for consistent formatting as they read over the grant. Harold suggests some minor changes to the photo captions. Eliza will make the changes.

Harold submitted the documentation to the Massachusetts Historical Commission. We will need the Board of Selectman’s signatures on the final application and need to complete it in time to meet with them.

Other: In other business, Harold will buy one or more set of frames so we can hang up the renderings in the Library and Town Hall. Harold will also try to get on Hatfield Currents.

Meeting adjourned.
Next Meeting: February 9th at 6:00PM at the Library


Meeting Minutes - Approved December 8th 2010
Hatfield Public Library Building Committee
Hatfield Public Library
10 November 2010

Present: Bryan Nicholas, Dodie Gaudet, Mary Williams, Harold Green, Stephen Hale (architect), Susan Gaughan and Eliza Langhans (librarian and recording secretary)
Not Present: Jim Phaneuf

Call to Order: The meeting commenced at 6:00PM

Committee Membership Status Updates: Ed Lesko has resigned from the Committee due to time constraints. We are now short three members and do not have a liaison with the Board of Selectman. Dodie will act as recording secretary while Eliza is away in December.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from both the October 13th and the October 27th meeting were approved.

Historical Commission/Society: Harold reported on the meeting with the Historical Commission on 11/9. Two members of the Commission were not at the meeting, preventing those present from making any decisions. Members of the Historical Commission will meet with the Historical Society on 11/18. Dodie, Susan and Harold volunteer to attend as well. Unfortunately, the meeting will be very short (1/2 hour) so there is some concern over whether a decision will be reached. The biggest concern from the Historical Commission regarding the current plan is the flooding. Harold is concerned that if the project changes too significantly that we will need to get a second vote from the Town approving the concept. This would have to take place at the Spring Town Meeting. Harold will contact the Selectman to ask if Town Counsel can advise on the matter.

There is also concern from Building Committee members as to where museum exhibits will go if library construction commences before the museum is ready to move into Town Hall. This leads to a side discussion about where books and library materials will go during construction. There is a general consensus that while at least some portion of the library (Eliza suggests popular fiction, new non-fiction, audio books and DVDs as well as a selection of Children’s items) should remain open, some portions of the collection will also have to be put in storage. Although it might be nice to have construction be staggered so that the building could remain open throughout construction, this may not be feasible for health, safety and aesthetic reasons.

Renderings: Moved, Seconded, Approved: Pay the bill for the renderings using the remaining grant money. Harold will pay for the fourth rendering which was not covered in the original estimate.

Video Project Status: The video is done. Eliza made two versions and will share them with the committee as soon as she has a copy on DVD.

Capital Planning Form: Eliza read off a small change and had Dodie sign the form (the form was already approved at a previous meeting).

MBLC Grant: The Committee went through the grant in detail and assigned members to work on different sections. The entire application will be on Google Docs so that individuals can work on their sections and other Committee members can view progress.

Motioned, Seconded, Approved: Appoint Bryan Nicholas acting Owner’s Project Manager until we are ready to hire someone. Bryan is well qualified and will provide Eliza with his credentials to include in the grant.

Next Meeting: December 8th at 6:30PM at the Library

The meeting adjourned at 8:17.